Lust for Life

A Studio Photo

The first film on painters and painting I believe I ever saw, other than the Agony and the Ecstasy, was Lust for Life. Lust for Life was about the Dutch impressionist painter Vincent Van Gogh and his journey to becoming an artist and starred the recently passed actor Kirk Douglas.

My biggest impression from the film was how once Van Gogh, played by Douglas, let loose his talent he was totally driven. Bob Ross is quoted as saying, Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do.” I know many people argue with this and feel artists like Van Gogh were “born” with talent, but I disagree that we are either born with or without talent. Continue reading “Lust for Life”

Experimenting with Brush and Color

I’ve spent the past week or so experimenting with
brush and color.

A Bit of Fall a Bit of Sky

By brush experiments I mean brush strokes, brush sizes, and brush shapes.

I worked with color by experimenting with using one primary color then adding one to two other colors to add value to my paintings.

I also went BIG with some of the techniques I’ve worked with in the past.

In the painting A Bit of Fall a Bit of Sky I used wet-on-wet technique I’ve been practicing taught by Danielle Lanslots to make the sky then used a tissue to add highlights in the blue sky. I then flipped the paper over and using the wet-on-wet technique again, I then added the ground colors to give bit of a misty feel. Continue reading “Experimenting with Brush and Color”