Putzing with Portraits

We R Tacoma

This past week I spent putzing with portraits. If you’ve followed along on my posts you’ve seen a couple of my previous posts where I’ve attempted to draw or paint a portrait.

One of the first I did was back in 2017 from a selfie Ilene and I took while attending a Tacoma Rainier’s game. The photo really doesn’t do it justice as the skin tones are a bit off here but on the actual painting they look just fine.

Fr Methodios & His Hat

I’ve also done some pen & ink sketches over the past couple years and been OK with them. Either way, painting or pen & ink you’ll see a trend and that’s where they are pretty much caricatures rather than more realistic renditions.

That all changed this past week when I discovered a workshop on Skillshare  about portraits by Sade J. So I rolled up my sleeves, pulled out a couple of shades of watercolor and gouache and below are the results.

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Experimenting with Brush and Color

I’ve spent the past week or so experimenting with
brush and color.

A Bit of Fall a Bit of Sky

By brush experiments I mean brush strokes, brush sizes, and brush shapes.

I worked with color by experimenting with using one primary color then adding one to two other colors to add value to my paintings.

I also went BIG with some of the techniques I’ve worked with in the past.

In the painting A Bit of Fall a Bit of Sky I used wet-on-wet technique I’ve been practicing taught by Danielle Lanslots to make the sky then used a tissue to add highlights in the blue sky. I then flipped the paper over and using the wet-on-wet technique again, I then added the ground colors to give bit of a misty feel. Continue reading “Experimenting with Brush and Color”